FW Thorpe (LON:TFW) Announces Earnings Results

FW Thorpe (LON:TFWGet Free Report) posted its earnings results on Thursday. The company reported GBX 7.65 ($0.10) earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, Digital Look Earnings reports. FW Thorpe had a net margin of 13.83% and a return on equity of 14.28%.

FW Thorpe Price Performance

Shares of LON:TFW opened at GBX 306.50 ($3.95) on Friday. The company has a market capitalization of £361.10 million, a P/E ratio of 14.85 and a beta of 0.61. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 2.36, a current ratio of 3.16 and a quick ratio of 1.98. The firm’s 50 day simple moving average is GBX 307.24 and its two-hundred day simple moving average is GBX 324.89. FW Thorpe has a 1-year low of GBX 285 ($3.67) and a 1-year high of GBX 408 ($5.26).

About FW Thorpe

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We specialise in designing and manufacturing professional lighting systems.

We currently employ over 900 people and although each company works autonomously, our skills and markets are complementary.

We focus on long-term growth and stability, achieved by delivering market-leading products, backed by excellent customer service.

Across the Group we work in a number of different sectors and various geographical territories.

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