Serco Group plc (LON:SRP) had its price target lifted by BNP Paribas from GBX 145 ($2.10) to GBX 150 ($2.17) in a report released on Friday. The brokerage presently has an “outperform” rating on the stock. BNP Paribas’ target price would indicate a potential upside of 44.23% from the stock’s previous close.
SRP has been the subject of several other reports. Liberum Capital reissued a “buy” rating and set a GBX 135 ($1.95) price objective on shares of Serco Group plc in a research note on Wednesday, May 4th. RBC Capital reissued a “sector performer” rating and set a GBX 95 ($1.37) price objective on shares of Serco Group plc in a research note on Monday, April 4th. HSBC lowered Serco Group plc to a “reduce” rating and raised their price objective for the stock from GBX 77 ($1.11) to GBX 86 ($1.24) in a research note on Wednesday, March 23rd. Nomura reissued a “neutral” rating and set a GBX 96 ($1.39) price objective on shares of Serco Group plc in a research note on Tuesday, April 5th. Finally, Deutsche Bank reaffirmed a “hold” rating and issued a GBX 95 ($1.37) target price on shares of Serco Group plc in a research report on Friday, February 26th. Five research analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, nine have issued a hold rating and three have issued a buy rating to the company’s stock. The company has a consensus rating of “Hold” and a consensus price target of GBX 110.50 ($1.60).
In related news, insider Soames,Rupert bought 303,825 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction on Tuesday, May 3rd. The shares were bought at an average cost of GBX 96 ($1.39) per share, for a total transaction of £291,672 ($422,040.23).