Equities Research Analysts’ price target changes for Monday, August 21st:
Covestro AG (ETR:1COV) was given a €75.00 ($88.24) target price by analysts at Commerzbank Ag. The firm currently has a neutral rating on the stock.
adidas AG (FRA:ADS) was given a €226.00 ($265.88) price target by analysts at Commerzbank Ag. The firm currently has a buy rating on the stock.
Experian plc (LON:EXPN) had its target price raised by HSBC Holdings plc from GBX 1,150 ($14.93) to GBX 1,200 ($15.58). HSBC Holdings plc currently has a reduce rating on the stock.
Grand City Properties SA (FRA:GYC) was given a €18.40 ($21.65) target price by analysts at Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The). The firm currently has a neutral rating on the stock.
Hikma Pharmaceuticals Plc (LON:HIK) had its price target trimmed by Jefferies Group LLC from GBX 1,390 ($18.04) to GBX 1,045 ($13.57). They currently have a hold rating on the stock.
Innogy SE (ETR:IGY) was given a €42.00 ($49.41) target price by analysts at Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The). The firm currently has a buy rating on the stock.
Nike (NYSE:NKE) was given a $60.00 price target by analysts at Jefferies Group LLC. The firm currently has a neutral rating on the stock.
Paddy Power Betfair Plc (LON:PPB) had its target price cut by Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The) from £110.35 ($143.26) to £106.60 ($138.39). They currently have a buy rating on the stock.
RSA Insurance Group plc (LON:RSA) had its target price raised by HSBC Holdings plc from GBX 715 ($9.28) to GBX 745 ($9.67). The firm currently has a buy rating on the stock.
RWE AG (FRA:RWE) was given a €23.70 ($27.88) target price by analysts at Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The). The firm currently has a buy rating on the stock.
Software AG (ETR:SOW) was given a €41.00 ($48.24) target price by analysts at Warburg Research. The firm currently has a buy rating on the stock.
Uniper SE (ETR:UN01) was given a €21.20 ($24.94) price target by analysts at Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The). The firm currently has a neutral rating on the stock.