Investment Analysts’ price target changes for Thursday, August 17th:
AECOM (NYSE:ACM) was given a $40.00 target price by analysts at Citigroup Inc.. The firm currently has a buy rating on the stock.
Allianz SE (FRA:ALV) was given a €192.00 ($225.88) target price by analysts at Morgan Stanley. The firm currently has a neutral rating on the stock.
Direct Line Insurance Group PLC (LON:DLG) had its price target increased by Morgan Stanley from GBX 423 ($5.49) to GBX 451 ($5.85). The firm currently has an overweight rating on the stock.
Innogy SE (ETR:IGY) was given a €32.50 ($38.24) price target by analysts at Morgan Stanley. The firm currently has a sell rating on the stock.
ING Groep NV (AMS:INGA) was given a €17.50 ($20.59) price target by analysts at Macquarie. The firm currently has a buy rating on the stock.
L Brands (NYSE:LB) was given a $32.00 price target by analysts at Jefferies Group LLC. The firm currently has a sell rating on the stock.
L Brands (NYSE:LB) was given a $56.00 price target by analysts at Deutsche Bank AG. The firm currently has a buy rating on the stock.
Aurubis AG (ETR:NDA) was given a €83.00 ($97.65) price target by analysts at Nord/LB. The firm currently has a buy rating on the stock.
Red Lion Hotels Corporation (NYSE:RLH) was given a $13.00 price target by analysts at B. Riley. The firm currently has a buy rating on the stock.
RWE AG (FRA:RWE) was given a €21.20 ($24.94) target price by analysts at Morgan Stanley. The firm currently has a neutral rating on the stock.
ThyssenKrupp AG (FRA:TKA) was given a €26.00 ($30.59) target price by analysts at Kepler Capital Markets. The firm currently has a neutral rating on the stock.
Zalando SE (FRA:ZAL) was given a €48.00 ($56.47) target price by analysts at Morgan Stanley. The firm currently has a buy rating on the stock.